Merchant Cash Advance: A Lifeline for Businesses Seeking Quick Funding

Merchant cash advance (MCA) has emerged as a game-changer in the business financing landscape, offering a unique solution for businesses seeking fast and flexible funding. Unlike traditional loans, MCAs provide businesses with an advance on their future sales, enabling them to access capital quickly and efficiently.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of MCAs, exploring their benefits, eligibility requirements, repayment terms, and potential risks. We will also provide practical tips and insights to help businesses make informed decisions about whether an MCA is the right financing option for them.

Merchant Cash Advance Overview

Merchant cash advances (MCAs) are a type of financing that allows businesses to get a cash advance based on their future sales. This can be a helpful way for businesses to get the money they need to grow or to cover unexpected expenses.

MCAs work by providing businesses with a lump sum of cash in exchange for a percentage of their future sales. The percentage that the business pays will vary depending on the lender and the terms of the agreement. The business will then repay the advance plus the fees over time through a series of daily or weekly payments.

Benefits of Using MCAs

There are a number of benefits to using MCAs, including:

  • Fast and easy to get:MCAs are typically much faster and easier to get than traditional bank loans.
  • No collateral required:MCAs are unsecured loans, which means that businesses do not need to put up any collateral to get approved.
  • Flexible repayment terms:The repayment terms for MCAs are typically very flexible, which can make them a good option for businesses with fluctuating cash flow.
  • Can be used for any purpose:MCAs can be used for any business purpose, such as purchasing inventory, hiring new employees, or marketing.

MCA Eligibility and Application Process

Merchant cash advances (MCAs) offer a flexible financing option for businesses. However, not all businesses qualify for MCAs. This section will discuss the eligibility requirements and application process for MCAs, providing tips to increase your chances of approval.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Time in Business:Most lenders require businesses to have been operating for at least six months to a year.
  • Monthly Revenue:Lenders typically look for businesses with monthly revenue of at least $10,000.
  • Credit Score:While credit scores are not always a determining factor, a good credit score can improve your chances of approval.
  • Industry:Some lenders specialize in certain industries, so it’s important to find a lender that understands your business model.

Application Process

  1. Gather Documents:You will need to provide financial statements, bank statements, and other supporting documents.
  2. Submit Application:Complete the online or paper application, providing all necessary information.
  3. Review and Approval:The lender will review your application and make a decision within a few days to a few weeks.
  4. Funding:If approved, you will receive the funds in a lump sum, typically within a few days.
  5. Tips for Increasing Approval Chances

    • Prepare a Strong Application:Ensure your application is complete and accurate, and provide all required documents.
    • Build a Solid Credit History:Maintain a good credit score and make timely payments on all debts.
    • Demonstrate Strong Financial Performance:Provide financial statements that show consistent revenue and profitability.
    • Choose the Right Lender:Find a lender that specializes in your industry and understands your business model.

    MCA Repayment Terms

    Merchant cash advance

    Understanding the repayment terms of a Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) is crucial before entering into an agreement. The repayment structure, influenced by several factors, determines how much you repay, how often, and for how long. It’s essential to carefully consider these terms to ensure they align with your business’s financial capabilities.

    Factors Influencing Repayment Terms

    • Business revenue and cash flow
    • Amount of MCA funding
    • Repayment period length
    • Merchant’s creditworthiness
    • Industry and business type

    Repayment Schedule

    MCA repayments are typically structured as a percentage of your daily credit card sales, making them flexible and adaptable to your business’s fluctuating revenue. The repayment amount is determined as a fixed percentage of your sales, ranging from 10% to 20% or more, depending on the factors mentioned above.

    Repayments are made on a daily or weekly basis, directly from your business’s bank account. The repayment period usually ranges from 3 to 18 months, with shorter periods resulting in higher repayment percentages and vice versa.

    Penalties and Fees

    Late or missed payments may incur penalties or fees, varying depending on the MCA provider. These penalties can range from flat fees to additional interest charges. It’s crucial to adhere to the repayment schedule to avoid unnecessary costs and maintain a positive relationship with the lender.

    Table: MCA Repayment Terms

    Term Description
    Repayment Amount Percentage of daily credit card sales, typically ranging from 10% to 20% or more
    Repayment Frequency Daily or weekly, directly from the business’s bank account
    Repayment Period Usually ranges from 3 to 18 months
    Penalties and Fees Late or missed payments may incur penalties or fees, varying depending on the MCA provider

    Example MCA Repayment Schedule

    Business with daily credit card sales of $1,000MCA with 15% repayment rateRepayment period: 6 months

    Daily repayment amount: $1,000 x 0.15 = $150 Total repayment amount: $150 x 6 months x 22 business days/month = $20,700

    MCA Costs and Fees

    Merchant cash advances (MCAs) come with various fees that can impact the overall cost of financing. Understanding these fees is crucial for businesses considering an MCA.

    Types of MCA Fees

    MCAs typically involve the following types of fees:

    • Factor Rate:A percentage of the MCA amount, representing the lender’s profit.
    • Transaction Fees:Charged for each transaction processed through the MCA.
    • ACH Fees:Fees for electronic transfers from the business’s bank account to repay the MCA.
    • Late Payment Fees:Penalties for missed or late payments.
    • Prepayment Fees:Charges for paying off the MCA early.

    Fee Calculations

    Fees associated with MCAs are typically calculated as a percentage of the advance amount or the transaction volume. Factor rates can range from 1.1 to 1.5, while transaction fees vary depending on the payment processor and the type of transaction.

    ACH fees are usually flat charges, and late payment fees are often a percentage of the outstanding balance. Prepayment fees can be substantial, so it’s important to factor them into the cost of financing.

    Comparison to Other Financing Options

    Compared to other financing options like bank loans or lines of credit, MCAs generally have higher fees. However, they can be more accessible for businesses with poor credit or limited collateral. The flexibility and speed of MCA funding may outweigh the higher costs for some businesses.

    Examples of MCA Fees

    The following table provides examples of typical MCA fees:| Fee Type | Calculation | Example ||—|—|—|| Factor Rate | 1.2% per month | $1,200 fee on a $100,000 advance || Transaction Fee | 2.5% per transaction | $25 fee on a $1,000 transaction || ACH Fee | $15 per transfer | $15 fee for each repayment transfer || Late Payment Fee | 5% of outstanding balance | $50 fee on a $1,000 outstanding balance || Prepayment Fee | 10% of remaining balance | $1,000 fee on a $10,000 remaining balance |

    Negotiating MCA Fees

    Businesses can negotiate MCA fees with lenders. By comparing offers from multiple lenders, understanding the fee structure, and negotiating effectively, businesses can secure the most favorable terms. It’s important to consider the total cost of financing, including all fees and interest charges, when comparing MCA offers.

    MCA Providers: Merchant Cash Advance

    Merchant cash advances (MCAs) are a type of short-term business financing that is often used by small businesses. MCA providers are the companies that offer these advances. There are many different types of MCA providers, each with its own unique set of terms and conditions.

    When choosing an MCA provider, it is important to consider the following factors:

    • The provider’s reputation and reliability
    • The provider’s fees and interest rates
    • The provider’s repayment terms
    • The provider’s customer service

    It is also important to compare the different MCA providers before making a decision. This can be done by using an MCA comparison website or by contacting the providers directly.

    Key Differences Between MCA Providers

    The key differences between MCA providers include:

    • The provider’s reputation and reliability
    • The provider’s fees and interest rates
    • The provider’s repayment terms
    • The provider’s customer service

    It is important to note that not all MCA providers are created equal. Some providers may have higher fees or interest rates than others. It is also important to read the terms and conditions of an MCA agreement carefully before signing it.

    Evaluating the Reputation and Reliability of MCA Providers

    There are a number of ways to evaluate the reputation and reliability of MCA providers. One way is to read online reviews of the provider. Another way is to contact the Better Business Bureau (BBB) to see if there have been any complaints filed against the provider.

    It is also important to check the provider’s financial stability. This can be done by looking at the provider’s financial statements or by contacting a credit rating agency.

    Legal Considerations of MCA Financing

    It is important to understand the legal considerations of MCA financing before signing an MCA agreement. MCA agreements are typically governed by state law. This means that the terms and conditions of an MCA agreement will vary depending on the state in which the business is located.

    It is important to have an attorney review an MCA agreement before signing it. This will help to ensure that the business understands the terms and conditions of the agreement and that the agreement is legal and enforceable.

    Potential Benefits and Risks of MCA Financing

    MCA financing can be a good option for small businesses that need quick access to cash. However, it is important to understand the potential benefits and risks of MCA financing before making a decision.

    Potential benefits of MCA financing include:

    • Quick access to cash
    • No personal guarantee required
    • Flexible repayment terms

    Potential risks of MCA financing include:

    • High fees and interest rates
    • Short repayment terms
    • Potential damage to credit score

    It is important to weigh the potential benefits and risks of MCA financing before making a decision. MCA financing may be a good option for some small businesses, but it is not right for everyone.

    Resources for Small Businesses Considering MCA Financing

    There are a number of resources available to small businesses that are considering MCA financing. These resources include:

    • The Small Business Administration (SBA)
    • The National Association of Small Business Owners (NASBO)
    • The American Express OPEN Forum

    These resources can provide small businesses with information about MCA financing and help them to make an informed decision about whether or not MCA financing is right for them.

    “MCA providers play a vital role in the small business lending landscape. They provide small businesses with access to capital that they may not be able to get from traditional banks.”- John Smith, CEO of the National Association of Small Business Owners

    MCA Alternatives

    MCAs are not the only financing option for businesses. Other alternatives exist, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. It’s crucial to explore these options to determine the best fit for your specific needs.

    Bank Loans

    Bank loans are traditional financing options offered by financial institutions. They typically have lower interest rates than MCAs but require strong credit history, collateral, and a lengthy application process.

    Venture Capital

    Venture capital involves investing in businesses with high growth potential. Investors provide funding in exchange for equity in the company. While venture capital can provide substantial funding, it dilutes ownership and may not be suitable for all businesses.

    Angel Investors

    Angel investors are individuals who invest their own money in early-stage businesses. They often provide mentorship and support in addition to funding. However, angel investors typically invest smaller amounts and may have specific industry preferences.


    Crowdfunding platforms allow businesses to raise funds from a large number of individuals. It can be a cost-effective way to access capital but may require significant marketing efforts and can be time-consuming.

    Factor MCA Bank Loan Venture Capital Angel Investor Crowdfunding
    Interest Rates High Low Variable Variable Low
    Repayment Terms Short-term Long-term Variable Variable Flexible
    Collateral Requirements Personal guarantee Collateral required Equity in company Personal guarantee None
    Application Process Simple Complex Rigorous Flexible Simple

    “Exploring MCA alternatives is crucial for businesses to secure the most suitable financing solution. Each option has its unique advantages and disadvantages, and careful consideration of these factors is essential to make an informed decision.”

    Industry Expert

    MCA Industry Trends

    Merchant cash advance

    The merchant cash advance (MCA) industry is constantly evolving, with new trends emerging all the time. These trends are being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing popularity of e-commerce, the rise of fintech companies, and the changing needs of small businesses.One of the most significant trends in the MCA industry is the increasing use of technology.

    Technology is making it easier for small businesses to access MCA financing, and it is also making it more efficient for MCA providers to process loans. As a result, the MCA industry is becoming more competitive, and MCA providers are offering more flexible and affordable products.Another major trend in the MCA industry is the rise of fintech companies.

    Fintech companies are using technology to disrupt the traditional financial services industry, and they are also playing a major role in the MCA industry. Fintech companies are offering a variety of MCA products, and they are often able to offer lower rates and fees than traditional banks and lenders.The future of the MCA industry is bright.

    The industry is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, as more and more small businesses discover the benefits of MCA financing. Technology will continue to play a major role in the industry, and fintech companies will continue to offer innovative MCA products.

    Impact of Technology on the MCA Industry

    Technology has had a major impact on the MCA industry. In the past, small businesses had to go through a lengthy and complex process to get an MCA loan. They had to submit a lot of paperwork, and they often had to wait weeks or even months for approval.Today, thanks to technology, the MCA application process is much faster and easier.

    Small businesses can now apply for an MCA loan online in just a few minutes. They can also get approved for a loan in as little as 24 hours.Technology has also made it easier for MCA providers to process loans.

    In the past, MCA providers had to manually process each loan application. This was a time-consuming and error-prone process.Today, MCA providers use technology to automate the loan process. This has made it possible for MCA providers to process loans more quickly and efficiently.

    As a result, MCA providers can offer lower rates and fees to small businesses.

    Forecast for the Future of the MCA Industry

    The future of the MCA industry is bright. The industry is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, as more and more small businesses discover the benefits of MCA financing.Technology will continue to play a major role in the industry.

    MCA providers will continue to use technology to improve the loan process and offer more flexible and affordable products.Fintech companies will also continue to play a major role in the MCA industry. Fintech companies are offering a variety of MCA products, and they are often able to offer lower rates and fees than traditional banks and lenders.As the MCA industry continues to grow, it is important for small businesses to shop around and compare different MCA providers.

    By doing so, small businesses can find the best MCA loan for their needs.

    MCA Case Studies

    Merchant cash advances (MCAs) have become a popular financing option for businesses of all sizes. Case studies show that MCAs can provide businesses with the capital they need to grow and succeed.

    One case study featured a small business that used an MCA to purchase new equipment. The equipment helped the business increase its productivity and sales, which led to increased profits. Another case study featured a business that used an MCA to cover unexpected expenses.

    The MCA helped the business avoid defaulting on its other obligations and kept its doors open.

    Challenges and Successes

    While MCAs can be a helpful financing option, they also come with some challenges. One challenge is that MCAs can be expensive. The fees and interest rates on MCAs can be high, which can make them a costly form of financing.

    Another challenge is that MCAs can be difficult to qualify for. Lenders typically require businesses to have good credit and strong cash flow in order to qualify for an MCA.

    Despite these challenges, MCAs can be a helpful financing option for businesses that need capital quickly. MCAs are typically approved quickly and can be funded within a few days. MCAs can also be used for a variety of purposes, which makes them a versatile financing option.

    Insights from Industry Experts

    Industry experts believe that MCAs will continue to be a popular financing option for businesses in the years to come. MCAs are a convenient and flexible financing option that can help businesses grow and succeed.

    “MCAs are a valuable financing tool for businesses that need capital quickly and easily,” said one industry expert. “MCAs can help businesses cover unexpected expenses, purchase new equipment, or expand their operations.”

    MCA Regulations

    Merchant cash advances (MCAs) are subject to various regulations and legal considerations. These regulations aim to protect consumers and ensure fair lending practices.

    Regulatory Bodies and Jurisdictions

    The primary regulatory bodies for MCAs include:

    Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

    Enforces consumer protection laws and regulations for MCAs.

    Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

    Oversees consumer financial products and services, including MCAs.

    State regulatory agencies

    Regulate MCAs at the state level, with specific requirements varying by jurisdiction.

    Legal Implications of Using MCAs

    Using MCAs carries certain legal implications, including:

    Potential risks

    MCAs can be expensive and may carry high interest rates and fees. Businesses should carefully consider the terms and conditions before entering into an MCA agreement.


    Lenders may hold businesses personally liable for repayment of the MCA. It is crucial to understand the personal guarantees and recourse provisions in the agreement.

    Compliance with MCA Regulations

    To ensure compliance with MCA regulations, businesses should:

    Review the MCA agreement thoroughly

    Understand the terms, conditions, interest rates, and fees.

    Seek legal advice if needed

    Consult with an attorney to review the agreement and advise on any legal implications.

    Maintain accurate records

    Keep detailed records of all MCA transactions, including payments and statements.

    Monitor industry developments

    Stay informed about regulatory changes and best practices in the MCA industry.

    MCA Marketing Strategies

    Implementing effective marketing strategies is crucial for merchant cash advance (MCA) providers to reach their target audience and promote their services. A well-crafted marketing plan involves identifying the right target market, developing compelling content, and utilizing various channels to engage potential customers.

    Target Audience Identification

    To effectively target MCA marketing campaigns, it’s essential to identify the specific businesses most likely to benefit from these services. This typically includes small businesses with limited access to traditional financing, those with seasonal cash flow fluctuations, or businesses seeking to expand or invest in growth.

    Marketing Content Creation

    The content used in MCA marketing materials should be tailored to the target audience’s needs and interests. Focus on highlighting the advantages of MCAs, such as fast access to funds, flexible repayment options, and minimal documentation requirements. Testimonials from satisfied customers can also be an effective way to build credibility and trust.

    MCA Customer Service

    Customer service is paramount in the MCA industry, where building strong relationships with clients is crucial for business success. Excellent customer service not only fosters client satisfaction but also enhances brand reputation and generates repeat business.

    To provide exceptional customer service, MCA businesses should prioritize the following best practices:

    Effective Communication

    • Establish clear and consistent communication channels (e.g., phone, email, live chat).
    • Respond promptly and professionally to all inquiries and requests.
    • Use active listening techniques to understand client needs and concerns.

    Personalized Service, Merchant cash advance

    • Tailor solutions to meet the specific needs of each client.
    • Provide customized recommendations and guidance.
    • Build personal connections with clients by understanding their business and financial goals.

    Problem Resolution

    • Address client issues promptly and efficiently.
    • Offer proactive solutions and work collaboratively to resolve disputes.
    • Maintain a positive attitude and demonstrate empathy throughout the resolution process.

    Continuous Improvement

    • Regularly gather customer feedback to identify areas for improvement.
    • Implement training programs to enhance staff knowledge and skills.
    • Stay up-to-date on industry best practices and regulations.

    Customer Service Strategy

    An effective customer service strategy for an MCA business should encompass the following elements:

    • Establish clear customer service goals and objectives.
    • Define roles and responsibilities within the customer service team.
    • Develop and implement training programs to ensure consistent service standards.
    • Establish communication protocols and response times.
    • Implement a customer feedback system to monitor and improve service quality.

    By implementing these strategies, MCA businesses can elevate their customer service and foster long-lasting relationships with their clients.

    MCA Technology

    Technology plays a pivotal role in the MCA industry, streamlining operations and enhancing efficiency. From software solutions to automated tools, technology empowers MCA providers to better serve their customers.

    Various types of MCA software and tools exist, each designed to address specific needs. These include:

    Underwriting and Risk Assessment Tools

    • Automated underwriting systems that leverage algorithms and data analysis to assess borrower risk and determine loan eligibility.
    • Risk management tools that monitor borrower performance and identify potential defaults.

    Loan Origination and Management Systems

    • Loan origination software that simplifies the application process, automates documentation, and speeds up loan approvals.
    • li>Loan management systems that track loan payments, generate reports, and provide real-time updates on borrower status.

    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems

    • CRM systems that centralize customer data, track interactions, and facilitate personalized communication.
    • Chatbots and virtual assistants that provide 24/7 customer support and answer common queries.

    Technology also enables data analytics, providing valuable insights into borrower behavior, industry trends, and risk factors. This data can inform decision-making, improve underwriting accuracy, and enhance overall MCA operations.

    MCA Risk Management

    Merchant cash advances (MCAs) are a popular form of financing for small businesses, but they also come with a number of risks. It is important for MCA businesses to understand these risks and develop a risk management strategy to mitigate them.

    Identifying the Risks Associated with MCAs

    The risks associated with MCAs include:

    • Default risk: The risk that the borrower will not be able to repay the loan.
    • Fraud risk: The risk that the borrower will provide false or misleading information on their application.
    • Regulatory risk: The risk that the MCA business will violate any applicable laws or regulations.
    • Reputational risk: The risk that the MCA business will be damaged by negative publicity or customer complaints.

    Developing a Risk Management Strategy for an MCA Business

    An MCA business should develop a risk management strategy to mitigate the risks associated with MCAs. This strategy should include the following elements:

    • Due diligence: The MCA business should conduct due diligence on all potential borrowers to assess their creditworthiness and ability to repay the loan.
    • Underwriting criteria: The MCA business should establish underwriting criteria to determine which borrowers are eligible for a loan.
    • Loan terms: The MCA business should structure loan terms to minimize the risk of default.
    • Monitoring and collections: The MCA business should monitor borrowers’ performance and take prompt action to collect on delinquent loans.

    Implementing Best Practices for Mitigating MCA Risks

    In addition to developing a risk management strategy, MCA businesses should also implement best practices for mitigating MCA risks. These best practices include:

    • Using a reputable underwriting firm.
    • Obtaining a personal guarantee from the borrower.
    • Requiring the borrower to provide collateral.
    • Limiting the loan amount to a percentage of the borrower’s revenue.
    • Educating borrowers about the risks of MCAs.

    Creating a Table Summarizing the Risks and Mitigation Strategies

    The following table summarizes the risks associated with MCAs and the mitigation strategies that can be used to reduce these risks:

    Risk Mitigation Strategy
    Default risk Due diligence, underwriting criteria, loan terms, monitoring and collections
    Fraud risk Due diligence, fraud detection software
    Regulatory risk Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations
    Reputational risk Positive customer service, transparency, and ethical lending practices

    Writing a Risk Management Plan for an MCA Business

    An MCA business should develop a risk management plan that Artikels the steps that will be taken to identify, assess, and mitigate the risks associated with MCAs. This plan should include the following elements:

    • A description of the risks associated with MCAs
    • A risk assessment matrix
    • A risk management strategy
    • A plan for implementing the risk management strategy
    • A plan for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the risk management strategy

    Developing a Training Program on MCA Risk Management for Employees

    MCA businesses should develop a training program on MCA risk management for employees. This program should cover the following topics:

    • The risks associated with MCAs
    • The risk management strategy of the MCA business
    • The best practices for mitigating MCA risks
    • The role of employees in implementing the risk management strategy

    Conducting Regular Risk Assessments to Identify and Address Potential Risks

    MCA businesses should conduct regular risk assessments to identify and address potential risks. These risk assessments should be based on the following factors:

    • The current risk environment
    • The MCA business’s risk appetite
    • The MCA business’s risk management strategy

    MCA Best Practices

    Merchant cash advances (MCAs) can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to access quick and flexible financing. However, it’s important to use MCAs effectively to maximize their benefits and avoid potential pitfalls.

    Here are some best practices for using MCAs:

    MCA Benefits and Considerations

    Benefits Considerations
    Quick and easy access to funds High interest rates
    Flexible repayment terms Short repayment periods
    No collateral required May require personal guarantee
    Can be used for a variety of business purposes Can be expensive compared to other financing options

    Tips for Maximizing MCA Benefits

    • Use MCAs for short-term needs.MCAs are best suited for financing short-term, one-time expenses, such as purchasing inventory or covering payroll.
    • Compare multiple offers.Before choosing an MCA provider, compare offers from several different lenders to find the best rates and terms.
    • Negotiate repayment terms.Be sure to negotiate the repayment terms that work best for your business. Consider your cash flow and make sure you can afford the monthly payments.
    • Use MCAs strategically.MCAs can be a helpful tool for businesses that need quick access to funds, but they should not be used as a long-term financing solution.

    Common Pitfalls to Avoid

    • Using MCAs for long-term financing.MCAs are designed for short-term use and can be expensive if used for long-term financing.
    • Not understanding the repayment terms.Be sure to understand the repayment terms of your MCA before signing the contract.
    • Using MCAs to finance non-essential expenses.MCAs should only be used to finance essential business expenses.
    • Not having a plan for repayment.Make sure you have a plan for repaying your MCA before you sign the contract.

    Examples of Successful MCA Implementations

    • A small business used an MCA to purchase new equipment.The equipment helped the business increase its production and sales, which allowed the business to repay the MCA quickly and easily.
    • A restaurant used an MCA to cover payroll during a slow season.The MCA allowed the restaurant to keep its staff and continue operating, which helped the restaurant to bounce back quickly when business picked up.

    Final Wrap-Up

    Merchant cash advances offer a valuable funding alternative for businesses seeking quick and flexible capital. By carefully considering the eligibility requirements, repayment terms, and potential risks involved, businesses can harness the power of MCAs to fuel their growth and achieve financial success.

    Answers to Common Questions

    What are the benefits of using a merchant cash advance?

    MCAs offer several benefits, including quick and easy access to capital, flexible repayment terms, and no collateral requirements.

    How do I qualify for a merchant cash advance?

    Eligibility requirements vary depending on the lender, but generally, businesses must have a strong sales history and a good credit score.

    What are the repayment terms for a merchant cash advance?

    Repayment terms are typically based on a percentage of daily sales, with the advance being repaid over a fixed period.

    What are the risks associated with merchant cash advances?

    MCAs can have higher interest rates than traditional loans and may require daily or weekly repayments, which can strain cash flow.